Message Brokers

Moksha supports configurable message flows, allowing you to utilize various message brokers, depending on your environment.

Since Moksha employs a high-level “Topic” concept, applications can easily communicate with them without having to worry about the underlying message protocol.


By default, Moksha will utilize the STOMP message broker, MorbidQ, which is built-in to Orbited. You can change the stomp_broker in the Moksha configuration file to point to a different STOMP broker – RabbitMQ with the STOMP-adapter has been tested as well.

Make sure Orbited is configured to proxy connections to your STOMP Broker in your /etc/orbited.cfg

* -> localhost:61613

You can also enable the built-in STOMP broker within Orbited, MorbidQ, by doing the following in the orbited.cfg:



Plugging an AMQP broker into Moksha is trivial. Simply add an amqp_broker to your configuration, and change the live socket backend in Moksha’s development.ini or production.ini:

amqp_broker = guest/guest@localhost
moksha.livesocket.backend = amqp


It’s probably best to comment out the stomp_broker when you enable AMQP support. You can have both, but Moksha will enter a bridged mode that may or may not work as expected.

The MokshaHub will then automatically connect up to your AMQP broker and proxy messages to the STOMP broker and Moksha Consumers.

You will then need to edit your Orbited configuration to allow proxying to your AMQP Broker in your``/etc/orbited.cfg``

* -> localhost:5672


AMQP support in Moksha has been tested with Qpid.

RabbitMQ support is under development. See the Using RabbitMQ with Moksha documentation for details on testing it.


It (perhaps) goes without saying that 0mq is brokerless. To configure what endpoints it will subscribe to and publish on, set the following in Moksha’s development.ini or production.ini:

zmq_enabled = True
zmq_publish_endpoints = tcp://\*:6543
zmq_subscribe_endpoints = tcp://

0mq requires that the livesocket backend be set to websocket with any port of your choosing, like this:

moksha.livesocket.backend = websocket
moksha.livesocket.websocket.port = 9991

Note that when using the 0mq+websocket setup there is no need to run either Orbited or qpidd.