Setting up a Moksha RPM & mod_wsgi environment (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS)

Installing the Moksha Apache/mod_wsgi server

$ sudo yum install moksha-{server,hub,docs}


The above setup does not install any apps. To duplicate the moksha dashboard demo, you can yum install moksha*

Running Moksha

$ sudo /sbin/service httpd restart

Running Orbited

Out of the box Orbited comes with a very minimal configuration

Copy over Moksha’s Orbited configuration:

# cp /etc/moksha/orbited.cfg /etc/orbited.cfg


Moksha’s Orbited configuration enables the MorbidQ STOMP message broker by default, for ease of development. This can be disabled by commenting out the line stomp://:61613 and the line under the [access] section.

Starting the Orbited daemon

# service orbited start


You can also start orbited by hand by running orbited -c /etc/moksha/orbited.cfg

Running the Moksha Hub

# service moksha-hub start

Install the dependencies and setup your RPM tree

This step is only necessary if you plan on building moksha apps.

$ sudo yum install rpmdevtools
$ rpmdev-setuptree
$ sudo yum-builddep -y moksha

Watching the logs

# tail -f /var/log/httpd/moksha_{access,error}_log
# tail -f /var/log/moksha/moksha-hub.log