Virtualenv installation (Other Linux distros, OSX, Windows, etc)

This guide will help quickly get you up and running with a local copy of Moksha. It will run the Moksha WSGI application using the Paste threaded http server, a single Orbited socket-proxy daemon with an embeded MorbidQ stomp message broker, SQLite SQLAlchemy and Feed databases, and an in-memory cache. This setup is meant to be dead-simple to get up and running, and is not designed for production deployments.

This installation method has been tested with OSX, Fedora, and RHEL. See the Setting up a Moksha RPM & mod_wsgi environment (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS) for a deploying with RPM and mod_wsgi.

Installing the necessary dependencies

You’ll need the virtualenv package.

For Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS based environments:

# yum -y install python-virtualenv gcc openssl-devel zeromq-devel
# yum-builddep -y python-lxml pyOpenSSL python-sqlite2

On Ubuntu/Debian:

# apt-get install git python-dev python-virtualenv zeromq-dev

Install moksha

$ virtualenv myenv
$ pip install moksha mdemos.server mdemos.menus mdemos.metrics