Hacking with Moksha

Setting up your RPM/virtualenv development environments

RPM mod_wsgi installation (Red Hat, Fedora, etc.):
 Setting up a Moksha RPM & mod_wsgi environment (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS)
virtualenv installation (OSX, Ubuntu, etc.):
 Virtualenv installation (Other Linux distros, OSX, Windows, etc)

Getting the code

$ git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/moksha
$ cd moksha/

Bootstrapping Your Environment

Definitely get and set up the awesome virtualenvwrapper first.

$ mkvirtualenv moksha

There is a script called moksha/.travis-dev-setup.sh that simply loops over moksha.common, moksha.hub, and moksha.wsgi and runs python setup.py develop in each one.

$ ./.travis-dev-setup.sh

Run the tests

$ ./.travis-run-tests.sh

Freezing requirements

$ pip freeze -E ~/.virtualenvs/moksha -r requirements.txt production/stable-reqs.txt